Karen Levitov, Faculty Exhibition 2018, Stony Brook
Joseph Podlesnik, Observational Drawing, Tempe Digital 2017
Jennifer Samet, Essay from Catalogue, Bruce Lieberman Recent work
2017, Last Bouquet Standing: Paintings by Bruce Lieberman
John Seed, Heightened Perceptions, Poets and Artists issue #65
Bruce Lieberman-Recent Paintings essay by Richard Elman 1999
"Long Island Artist Focus on Materials" Stony Brook University Fine
Art Gallery,
Stony Brook University Press, June 1998
Twentieth Century Long Island Landscape Painting, essay by Ron G.
Pisano Exhibition Catalog, Museum at Stony Brook, 1990
Ronald G. Pisano, Long Island Landscape Painting in the 20th
Century, New York Graphic Society, Little, Brown & Company 1989
Artist Choice Museum Catalog - "Body and Soul," 1983
Jennifer Samet, "The Agency of Things: Still Life at Gallery
essay 2017
Mark Segal, East Hampton Star, April 2017
Daena Title, “Destroying the Figure in the 21st Century” Poets
Artists Issue #66 2015
Hampton Monthly, Artist Spotlight: Bruce Lieberman, May 20,
John Seed, “Bruce Lieberman: ‘East End’ at Gallery North,”
Huffington Post, Arts and Culture Dec. 12, 2014
Franklin Hill Perrell – Bruce Lieberman, Artful Circle October 31,
Bruce Lieberman: East End Exhibition at Gallery North, Gallery
North October 7, 2014
Kelli Delane, Bruce Lieberman April 22, 2014
The Sissy Gamache Show, Manhattan Cable Network, interview, April
18, 2014
Franklin Hill Perrell, Painterly Painting, Artful Circle Lecture
Series, Chief Curator at the Nassau County Museum of Art, April 11,
Oliver Peterson, Dan’s Paper, “Works on Monday; Early Morning
Sunflower for Ron” by Bruce Lieberman,” October 7, 2013
Pat Rogers, A Trio of Strong Shows Open at the Heckscher,
Hamptons Art Hub, September 21, 2013
The Heckscher Museum of Art, Recent Acquisitions, August 17,
Michael Boyajian, Interview WSUB
Steven Parks, Flower Paintings Bloom at LI Museum, Newsday, March
5, 2012
Guest of Cindy Sherman, Bruce Lieberman (Central America)
Hampton.Com, This Week in the Arts, July 20, 2010
Elise D’Haene, East Hampton and Southampton Press 2009
Pat Rogers, East Hampton and Southampton Press 2009
Helen A. Harrison, Paper in Every Guise Imaginable, The New York
Times, September 4, 2005 New York Times
Ariella Budick, Long Island Landscape, Sun-Kissed, Traffic- less
Newsday Fri, Aug. 31, 2001
Ariella Budick, Witness a Moving Experience, cover Art section,
Newsday Sun., Sep. 9, 2001
Carole Paquette, Using Local Artists to Add Color, The New York
Times Sunday, Dec. 16, 2001
Ariella Budick, Newsday, Best of 2001- Art: Expressions of
Grandeur, Sunday, Dec. 30, 2001
Cover and Poster, Long Island: Morning, Noon & Night- Contemporary
Long Island Landscape Painting, The Long Island Museum 2001
Richard Elman, essay, Bruce Lieberman-Recent Paintings
Phyllis Braff, Compelling Sculpture and Transitory Doings, The New
York Times, Feb.1998
Long Island Artist Focus on Materials, Catalog, Stony Brook
University Press June 1998
In The Works, Hampton Magazine/Artists & Writers, June 20, 1997
Helen A. Harrison, Works on View-Local Color, The New York Times
Aug. 18, 1996
Phyllis Braff, From Edge of Social Conscience to Jazz, The New York
Times Sept. 24, 1995
Marion Wolberg Weiss, Cover and feature article, Dan's Papers
August 5, 1994
Eric Gibson, East End Landscape Show, East Hampton Star, June 2
Ommerman, Betty, Artist Finds Style in Own Backyard" Newsday Nov.
21, 1993
William Zimmer, -40+ Landscapes, Poster and essay, Haenah-Kent
Gallery, NYC July 9,1991
Helen A. Harrison, The Flowery Touch of Spring, The New York Times
April 21, 1991
Ron G. Pisano, Twentieth Century Long Island Landscape Painting,
Exhibition Catalog, Museum at Stony Brook 1990
Alicia Ramirez, Lieberman tomaria Montanas de Monterrey Para
Cuadros, El Diario 7/26/90
Bruce Lieberman- Painting "La Huasteca, Video produced by the
Universidad De Monterrey, Mexico, UDEM/DACME, July 1990
Alicia Ramirez. "Lieberman Tomaria Montanas de Monterrey Para
Cuadros" El Diario June 26,1990
Alicia Ramirez. "Satisfacen a regiomontanos las pintoras de' Dos
Nueva York" El Diario June 27, 1990
Alicia Arozola. "Inauguran Exposicion, Dos De New York" ABC June
"La Naturaleza de New York en Monterrey" (repro)
Gerado Gonzalez Leija. "Pintores Neoyorquinos Se Inspiran En
Banquetas y Mitos" Tribuna de Monterrey June 19,1990
Gerado Gonzalez Leila, - Pintores Neoyorquinos Se Inspiran En
Banquetas y Mitos, Tribuna de Monterrey June 19,1990
Ronald G. Pisano, Long Island Landscape Painting in the 20th
Century, New York Graphic Society, Little, Brown & Company 1989
Margaret Moorman, Representations of Life, One Natural, One Askew,
Newsday December 16, 1988, page 21
Margaret Moorman, Moody View, Newsday - December 9,1988, page
Shirley E. Pearlman, Newsday - "Their Artwork is Hot, But Glory is
Stolen," February 17,1988
Artist Choice Museum Catalog - "Body and Soul," 1983
Michelle Trauring, "Lieberman Finds His Balance, In Surfing And In
Art." East Hampton and Southampton Press, Aug 5, 2019
Mark Segal, East Hampton Star, April 2017
Hampton Monthly, Artist Spotlight: Bruce Lieberman, May 20,
Oct 12, 2014
Pat Rogers, Hampton Art Hub, September 21, 2013 A Trio of Strong
Shows Open at the Heckscher
The Heckscher Museum of Art, Recent Acquisitions, August 17,
Listen to Michael Boyajian, Interview WSUB
Read the review
Read the review New York Times
Bruce Lieberman: East End
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, October 17, from 5:00pm-7:00pm
Generously Sponsored by Alice Elman
(Setauket, New York, October 7, 2014)
Gallery North is pleased to present East End, an exhibition which showcases the exuberant and colorful work of Bruce Lieberman. Fully immersed in the Long Island experience, Lieberman captures the rhythm and textures of both land and sea.
East End, an in-depth look at life on Long Island, reveals the relationship of Lieberman’s daily life to his paintings. Autobiographical in nature, his work tells a story through vibrant colors and broad brushstrokes. His house and garden, nearby ocean, and everyday items fill the canvas.
Common to all Lieberman’s paintings is the human element. Each gesture or mark is made apparent to the viewer, intentional and understood as the hand of the artist. Lieberman’s journey is stored within the build up of paint, the inclusion of charcoal and even the salt water that splashed the surface.
A marrying of the plein air experience and the studio experience, East End includes all that is Long Island. Through all over compositions, the action painting of Bruce Lieberman does not merely depict life but evokes the sensations of Long Island living.
Lieberman began exhibiting in the 1980s and has continued to show his work on a regular basis in New York City and Long Island. East End is his first comprehensive solo show at Gallery North.
Michelle Trauring, "Lieberman Finds His Balance, In Surfing And In
Art." East Hampton and Southampton Press, Aug 5, 2019
Mark Segal, East Hampton Star, April 2017
Hampton Monthly, Artist Spotlight: Bruce Lieberman, May 20,
Oct 12, 2014
Pat Rogers, Hampton Art Hub, September 21, 2013 A Trio of Strong
Shows Open at the Heckscher
The Heckscher Museum of Art, Recent Acquisitions, August 17,
Listen to Michael Boyajian, Interview WSUB
Read the review
Read the review New York Times